Excerpt from the Church – The Body of Christ booklet: For many of us, the Church we belong to no longer has a God-given purpose. Many people see the Church as mainly a place where we can find some peace of mind that is lost during the week. We have been taught to believe that what is generically called the Church is a place where people with common religious preoccupations gather. It is a place dedicated for activities such as singing, praying, listening to a sermon, and socializing a little after the program, after which everyone goes back to their personal concerns and interests.
A very small part of the congregation has the job of carrying out this program, the vast majority of Church members being in the position of consuming these religious programs, their job consisting of being present/sitting on the bench, and participating with a certain amount of money for the needs of the congregation. It may seem natural to you that there are many in the assembly who do not attend meetings for months or even years and yet remain on the membership list. In order not to be deceived, today it is more than ever necessary to investigate what are the signs by which we can distinguish a living Church, which is the Body of Christ, from a dead one, which is without Christ.
We believe that the most important thing in this short life that we live on this earth is for each of us to know exactly God’s plan for man, who is the crown of His creation, to know the purpose for which God created man.
In order to know what is in God’s plan, we must carefully examine what was God’s purpose in creating man, and then we can examine what is the path we must follow until we reach the stature for which we were created.
From reading the Scriptures, we can see that in His eternal plan, God not only had in mind the creation of beings superior to angels, but His purpose was to create beings who would be a crown of His creation, He created a being in the image and likeness of Himself and His only Son, a being in which His nature would be manifested.
He chose to create a being that would have His nature, that would be in His image and likeness. He created a being to have His own nature, He created a being totally unlike anything He had ever created before. (Genesis 1:26-27) Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness; in God’s image, created he man. Genesis 1:26-27)
This is one of “God’s attributes” which He wants to imprint in us. This attribute with which we are to be clothed is obtained by
Goodness, patience, love, must come into being in us, and they are obtained by keeping the Word of Christ under the guidance of the Spirit.
Man can be described from two perspectives: by his external appearance/ face, or by his character/heart. In the first situation, it is the outer appearance
Even before the foundation of the world, God planned to create and make man based on His own image. “Then God said, “Let Us make
True faith involves unwavering trust in Christ and in His Word. (He who trusts in Him will not be put to shame. 1 Peter 2:6)
The Scripture tells us that we are born of the living and working Word of Christ. (For you were born again, not of a corruptible
We are a small group of conservative, non-denominational Christians. Our purpose is to bring our lives to full obedience to the teachings of Lord Jesus, only according to the Word of the Bible, unaltered by denominational teachings.
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