“Dacă rămâneți în Cuvântul Meu, veți cunoaște adevărul și adevărul vă va face liberi!”



6 results
Nowadays, in order not to be deceived by any wind of teaching, it is more than ever necessary to examine the signs by which we can distinguish a living Church, which is the Body of Christ, from a dead one, which is without Christ It is crucial to know where we are...
The Builder of the Body is Lord Jesus (I will build My Church, and the gates of death will not overcome it Matthew 16:18) The Lord has created laws of operation in His body to keep it clean, tightly bound, and well connected There are laws specific to the body,...
Both in the past and today, God’s camp/the Body of Christ must be clean, because that is where the Lord dwells (He/Satan has nothing in Me John 14:30; Your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you; therefore, your camp must be holy; and He must not see...
The body of man, as well as the body of Christ, has been designed in such a way that every part of the body serves the other No member/organ lives for itself (As we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we are individually...
The Church of Christ is one of God’s great mysteries (This mystery is great- I am talking about Christ and the Church Ephesians 5:32) This plan/project, the Church of Christ, was conceived in eternity Even the dominions and principalities of the heavenly places...
The Church Today 333 views
More and more people are disappointed with the progress of Christianity and the churches today most being integrated into the worldly system Thus, we find ourselves unable to be part of a church that is truly the Body of Christ Saddened by this situation, many...
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