“Dacă rămâneți în Cuvântul Meu, veți cunoaște adevărul și adevărul vă va face liberi!”



4 results
Man can be described from two perspectives: by his external appearance/ face, or by his character/heart In the first situation, it is the outer appearance that can be known through the physical eyes, while in the second situation it is the inner appearance/heart,...
The Word of the Scripture tells us to seek the upper things from the Kingdom of God, and not the things below, which can be found on earth (Therefore if you have risen with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is; Set your mind on the things above, not...
We can easily see that the secular world has a totally different standard compared to the standard of the Kingdom of God Ever since we were little children, in order to achieve the goals we had set ourselves, we have used, to a greater or lesser extent, the principle...
Many of us would like to be part of His Kingdom, we would like to be saved and avoid the wrath that is to come; few, however, are willing to understand that this place they seek is governed by God’s laws, which are eternal and unchanging ( but the word of the Lord...
4 results