25 results
The Kingdom of God
Topic: Born again, Kingdom of God
A Kingdom with golden streets, where there are no tears, no suffering, and no death Such a place can stir the interest of many We believe that provided the opportunity, no man would refuse the chance of having a better life, without death (And God shall wipe away all...
The Abounding Patience
This is one of “God’s attributes” which He wants to imprint in us This attribute with which we are to be clothed is obtained by following the leadership of the Spirit, through obedience to the Word of Christ (He that has my commandments, and keeps them, is him...
The Work of the Holy Spirit
Goodness, patience, love, must come into being in us, and they are obtained by keeping the Word of Christ under the guidance of the Spirit (We are changed in His image, from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord 2 Corinthians 3:18) He who has begun this good...
The Wedding Garment
Man can be described from two perspectives: by his external appearance/ face, or by his character/heart In the first situation, it is the outer appearance that can be known through the physical eyes, while in the second situation it is the inner appearance/heart,...
God’s Plan
Even before the foundation of the world, God planned to create and make man based on His own image “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness”; God created man in His own image” (Genesis 1:26-27) When man fell into sin, he lost...
The Path of Faith – Acts of Faith
True faith involves unwavering trust in Christ and in His Word (He who trusts in Him will not be put to shame 1 Peter 2:6) „Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17) I will have to get to know Lord Jesus, to hear, to...
The Word of Christ
Topic: God's plan, The Word of Christ
The Scripture tells us that we are born of the living and working Word of Christ (For you were born again, not of a corruptible seed, but of an incorruptible seed, through the word of God: and this is the Word which was preached unto you in the gospel 1 Peter 1:23,...
Topic: Discipleship
In the teaching of Lord Jesus, self-denial marks the beginning of discipleship and the rebirth (If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me Luke 9:23) The new birth does not take place when we hear a message that...
The Sacrifice on the Cross
Topic: God's plan, The sacrifice on the cross
We notice that there is much confusion nowadays about the role of Christ’s sacrifice Some believe that it is enough to simply believe in the sacrifice on the cross, where salvation is simply based on what Lord Jesus did on the cross as Savior Others rely on their...
The New Covenant/Testament
Topic: God's plan
Nowadays, in many evangelical congregations, it is stated that this faith in the sacrifice on the cross is our part in the covenant we make with the Lord There is a general lack of interest in knowing the commandments of the New Covenant And as for the fulfilment...
Topic: Faith
For any human being, the most important thing in this life is to get to know the purpose for which we were created It is extremely important to know why it is required to repent, deny ourselves, and believe the Word of Christ! The Scripture shows that in His plan...
Topic: Church - The Body of Christ
Nowadays, in order not to be deceived by any wind of teaching, it is more than ever necessary to examine the signs by which we can distinguish a living Church, which is the Body of Christ, from a dead one, which is without Christ It is crucial to know where we are...
The Scattered Flock
The Builder of the Body is Lord Jesus (I will build My Church, and the gates of death will not overcome it Matthew 16:18) The Lord has created laws of operation in His body to keep it clean, tightly bound, and well connected There are laws specific to the body,...
The Purity of the Body of Christ
Both in the past and today, God’s camp/the Body of Christ must be clean, because that is where the Lord dwells (He/Satan has nothing in Me John 14:30; Your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you; therefore, your camp must be holy; and He must not see...
The body of man, as well as the body of Christ, has been designed in such a way that every part of the body serves the other No member/organ lives for itself (As we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we are individually...
The Church of Christ – His Body
The Church of Christ is one of God’s great mysteries (This mystery is great- I am talking about Christ and the Church Ephesians 5:32) This plan/project, the Church of Christ, was conceived in eternity Even the dominions and principalities of the heavenly places...
The Church Today
More and more people are disappointed with the progress of Christianity and the churches today most being integrated into the worldly system Thus, we find ourselves unable to be part of a church that is truly the Body of Christ Saddened by this situation, many...
Born Again
Topic: Born again, Kingdom of God
The Scriptures tell us that to see the Kingdom of God and be able to enter it, we have to be born again (Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God You must be born again! John 3:3,7) Being born again or receiving the right to enter/become a...
Entering into the Kingdom of God
Topic: Born again, Kingdom of God
The Scripture tells us that to have this new beginning, to be picked up from under the governance of the devil, to be washed from sin, to be redeemed and delivered into His Kingdom, the Son of God had agreed to die on the cross ( to give His life a ransom for many...
The Things from the Kingdom of God
The Word of the Scripture tells us to seek the upper things from the Kingdom of God, and not the things below, which can be found on earth (Therefore if you have risen with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is; Set your mind on the things above, not...
Giving up the old things
Topic: Giving up the old things, Repentance
In the world, “someone” arranged things in such a way that in order to cope in this life, we are tempted to use inappropriate means Satan comes to us just as he came to Lord Jesus and tempts us with various “advantages” which only aim at wrapping us in his web...
25 results