“Dacă rămâneți în Cuvântul Meu, veți cunoaște adevărul și adevărul vă va face liberi!”

The Builder of the Body is Lord Jesus. (I will build My Church, and the gates of death will not overcome it. Matthew 16:18)

The Lord has created laws of operation in His body to keep it clean, tightly bound, and well connected. There are laws specific to the body, according to which the limbs relate to each other. (That there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. 1 Corinthians 12:25; Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2)

Satan’s activity is to use trickeries by which to keep these laws from not being put into practice, which will cause the flock to be scattered. (…the wolf kidnaps and scatters them. John 10:12)

Satan knows that alone, the limb/child cannot survive if it is not closely connected to the Body/Family. (So, they were scattered, because they had no shepherd; they became the prey of all the beasts of the field. Ezekiel 34:5) His greatest target is to keep the limbs from being closely connected to each other; this can eventually result in the death of the limb. The purpose of our enemy is to keep the members scattered, each with his own issues. The devil works in various ways so that people reach only a form of godliness, a form that gives them the impression that they have life from above. (For people will be self-loving… having only a form of godliness. 2 Timothy 3:2)

Lord Jesus tells us that predatory wolves will sneak into the flock, and they will not spare the flock. Their objective is to divide and scatter the flock. (I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Acts 20:29; …the wolf kidnaps and scatters them. John 10:12)

Through them, the devil seeks to destroy the purpose of the Body. We are warned to guard against them, as they are very dangerous, since they are dressed in sheep’s clothing. (Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravaging wolves. Matthew 7:15)

We can find them everywhere, they are the leaders of religious cults, the heads of great churches, preachers, teachers of theology… who work to maintain a certain system of organization, which solely consists of worshipping programs, and which is the foundation for the scattered flock; a system that focuses on worship and not caring for the sheep. (You do not heal the sick, do not bind the wounded; … do not seek the lost. Ezekiel 34:4) This system of organization, with religious schools/ institutions, prepares and authorizes ministers and professionals in worshiping/ preaching. As a result, due to their specialization on the profile of worship and due to the position that they occupy, they are forced to give teachings that maintain this type of system. The effect is – the scattered flock. (I have not sent them… they’re falsely prophesying in My name, so I will drive both you and the prophets who prophesy to you out of the land. Jeremiah 27:15) By implementing this system, the work of caring and pastoring a flock got replaced with worship programs. The involvement of the Spirit in the work of caring for the sheep is blocked. (Watch… the flock over which the Holy Spirit has placed you bishops, that you may shepherd the Church. Acts 20:28) In many of today’s congregations, brothers like ap. Peter the fisherman, who meet the criteria in Titus 1, but without any theological studies, would no longer be suitable for this task. Through this model of organization, Satan impedes the functioning of the Body, as designed by God, in which the members live according to the law of Christ. (Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2)

If some questions regarding our ministry in the Church may appear (perhaps due to the urges of our conscience), and if we will seek an answer to them, these specialists/teachers of scattered flocks will invite us to participate in all kinds of projects/imitations of service (ministry), which at a first glance may seem good, but they will however never call us to take care of each other and carry out the burdens of one another. These activities falsify the type of care we are called to, namely the only way to keep the body tightly bound. (That there should be no division in the body; but that all members should have the same care for one another. 1 Corinthians 12:25)

In this way Satan prevents us from understanding that we must have a life in a spiritual family, like that of the natural family, where we all must participate concretely and decisively in the care of the members of the Family/Body.

The purpose of these projects led by the false prophets is not to be closely linked to each other, not to see the disease of sin that we are affected by (e.g., a worldly way of life, the dirt of the internet…). These false prophets do not care about spiritual health. The devil does everything possible to keep us divided. He deceives many by giving an impression of connectedness at a superficial level, so that we won’t get to know each other’s problems. In this way, the practice of the laws regarding the connected Body of Christ, such as watchfulness, rebuke, discipline, obedience… are reduced to almost zero.

We must understand that any attempt on our part to replace the real life of the Body with various other activities, such as: worship programs, socializing, youth meetings, organizing picnics, choirs… will only give us a form of godliness. (People will be self-loving … having only a form of godliness. 2 Timothy 3:2-5)

If we look around us, we can see that the evil one has done his job well. In most churches, people are scattered. They come only for the religious program. Everyone lives for themselves, and are concerned only with their personal problems, having no interest in living for the benefit of others. It cannot be said today that the Church is closely linked and firmly bound together. If a member suffers from a spiritual disease, no one is interested in knowing his illness and does not suffer/care for him.

Through this model of organization and worship, Satan has dealt a deadly blow to many churches, both past and present. This way of organization consisting of pure worship programs 2-3 times a week, has been carefully designed in such a way that no one will consider that the members must have a real involvement in the life of the Body, by carrying out the tasks and burdens of others.

It is easy to see that where this model of worship programs is implemented, there are crowds of souls/members who are pure consumers of these programs, no one cares about these souls, and no one demands accountability.

Having this background in the model of scattered flocks, many have come to misunderstand the importance of the Body of Christ, allowing themselves to be absent from the congregation for months or years at a time, many of whom have gone to various parts of the world in search of the things of this earth. However, they remain on the members list, without being searched for or asked for their whereabouts. (…they are scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth, and none cares for them, neither seeks them! Ezekiel 34:6)

This is the case because most of us disregard the Word of God, which requires us to watch over one another and not leave the Body of Christ. (Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not leaving our own assembling together, as is the habit of some. Hebrews 10:24-25)

Another trickery by which the foundation of the scattered flock is set occurs through the promotion of the teaching which says that within the Body of Christ/the Church, the weeds/tares live together with the wheat, the light together with the darkness; a teaching that is nowadays widespread, which has caught on with crowds of people. The fruit of this teaching is the tolerance of sin; the yeast that makes all the dough leaven, causing the death of the flock. (Do you not know that a little yeast leavens the whole dough? 1 Corinthians 5:6) By accepting this teaching, brotherly obedience, rebuke, and discipline become meaningless.

Through this teaching, the destructive heresy is sneaked in, disregarding the teaching of the Scripture which tells us to watch so that there will be no worldly person in the Church. (Watch so that there are no worldly people among you. Hebrews 12:16)


  • Can we belong to God if we are members of a scattered congregation, where the law of Christ is neglected/disregarded? (Carry each other’s burdens… Galatians 6:2)


  • If we miss the meetings for a month or two… does anyone notice that we are missing, is anyone looking for us? Or does no one pay attention? (…they are scattered abroad throughout all the land, and no one cares for them. Ezekiel 34:6)


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