“Dacă rămâneți în Cuvântul Meu, veți cunoaște adevărul și adevărul vă va face liberi!”

Transformed in the Image of Christ

We come into the world, we prepare for life, we work, we have children and grandchildren, we enjoy this life to a greater or lesser extent, and then everything ends at the grave. This seems to be all that life has to offer. Upon a closer look, we can observe that the majority of people around the globe are just consuming this life and are not bothered to find out whether there is anything else after death.

We believe that the most important thing in this short life we live is for each of us to get to know exactly what God’s plan is for man, to get to know the purpose God had in mind when He created us.

Through this booklet, we wish to offer you an answer about the purpose of this life we live on earth. We hope that the contents of this booklet will be a guide for those who believe that God is the Creator of both man and the universe.

We observe that when we are asked to give an answer as to what will be after this life is consumed, and what we need to do to dwell in God’s eternal Kingdom, the vast majority of people live in total ignorance.

Because of ignorance, one can see today how many crowds of people are manipulated with various theories that explain to us how one can get into the Kingdom of God.

One of them is the theory of the purgatory. This theory which we find in Catholicism says that man can obtain the forgiveness of sins through the payment of indulgences, which secures your entrance in the kingdom of God and implicitly eternal life.

In Eastern Orthodoxy, we find the almsgiving in the name of the deceased and the prayer for the dead, then the aerial toll-houses through which the dead must pass, and many others through which man hopes in one way or another to buy the forgiveness of his sins.

The same situation applies to most Evangelical, Protestant and Post-Reformation churches. The general belief is that if we admire God for what He has done for us, if we believe in the Lord’s sacrifice on the cross, if we will confess our sins, if we have a form of godliness, we will obtain the  salvation that  consists only in the forgiveness of sins.

It seems that very few realize that repentance and faith in the  sacrifice at the cross are only some of the things that man must do at the beginning of the life of faith. It is easy to see that the lack of Scriptural knowledge is one of the things that keep man in this ignorance. (Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. Matthew 22:29)

Most of us stop at repentance, at the work at the cross… at the covenant in the baptismal water, at the forgiveness of sins. For many, this is where the work of salvation ends, not realizing that in God’s plan there is provision for both the restoration and perfection of the humancharacter.

Hardly anyone believes that in order to be found worthy of the life that awaits us in His eternal Kingdom, we must grow to reach the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (And he gave some, apostles… and some, pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, till we all come unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13) This plan of God was made in eternity, before man was created. The purpose of the Heavenly Father was to make brothers of Lord Jesus and it is the most elaborate and magnificent plan ever devised

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